扬州双东礼宴中心全案设计 | 赫仕设计

结婚产业观察·2025-02-21 10:02
基于Art Deco风格设计趋势,营造一个关于高奢、高质调性的空间主题概念,探索艺术设计和空间搭配的无限可能。

Yang Zhou  ShuangDong Banquet Center



As a high-end comprehensive banquet center of Yangzhou Shuangdong Catering, Shuangdong Banquet Center is bordered by the Yangtze River in the south and Huaishui in the north. Shuangdong Banquet to business banquets, conferences, theme banquets, wedding banquets and other industry positioning plates, although there are advantages, but there are also challenges, so far there is still a lack of quality supporters, Yangzhou Shuangdong Catering to advance the prediction of iteration of the standard and aesthetics, bow to the city's development overture, resonate with the spirit of Weiyang.

Yang Zhou ShuangDong Banquet Center

Art Deco维扬相遇,开启繁华深处的有序美学

如果有风格能够常看常新,那么Art Deco必定占据一席之地。犀利的图形,鲜明的色彩,既复古又摩登的气质,让人们对它一见难忘。

If there's a style that can always look new, then Art Deco has a place to be. Sharp graphics, bright colors, and a retro and modern temperament make people unforgettable at first sight.

Art Deco 风格,也称“摩登风格”,代表的是一种着重于装饰的艺术风格。它诞生于20世纪20年代的法国,因工业发展而兴起,在1925年巴黎博览会展出后迅速传遍欧美,成为当时流行的艺术风格和时尚,珠宝设计也深受其影响,以几何形状、对称性、以及对色彩和材质的精心选择为特征,充分展示出干净利落的机械美学。

The Art Deco style, also known as "modern", represents an art style that focuses on decoration. It was born in France in the 20s of the 20th century, rose due to industrial development, and quickly spread to Europe and the United States after being exhibited at the Paris Exposition in 1925, becoming a popular art style and fashion at that time, and jewelry design was also deeply influenced by it, characterized by geometric shapes, symmetry, and careful selection of colors and materials, fully demonstrating a clean and neat mechanical aesthetic.

Art Deco是一个折中的风格,闪耀却不浮夸,复古却不守旧。游走于古典与现代之间,恐怕是再理想不过了。

Art Deco is an eclectic style that shines but not ostentatious, retro but not old-fashioned. Moving between the classical and the modern is probably ideal

基于Art Deco这一风格设计趋势,我们营造一个关于高奢、高质调性的空间主题概念。将材料设计与美学风格结合,探索艺术设计和空间搭配的无限可能,用设计传达美好人居空间理念,展现我们对空间、材料和创新的探索与表达.

Based on the style design trend of Art Deco, we created a theme concept of space about high luxury and high quality. Combining material design and aesthetic style, exploring the infinite possibilities of artistic design and space collocation, using design to convey the concept of beautiful living space, and showing our exploration and expression of space, materials and innovation.



Art Deco风格的盛行,迎合了人类向往“更高,更大,更美”的审美,它摩登都会的气质,深受城市精英阶层欢迎。历经历史的变迁,岁月的沉淀,依旧彰显它独有的商业品位与艺术价值。

The prevalence of the Art Deco style caters to the aesthetics of human beings yearning for "higher, bigger, and more beautiful", and its modern urban temperament is welcomed by the urban elite. After the changes of history and the precipitation of the years, it still shows its unique commercial taste and artistic value.

Yang Zhou ShuangDong Banquet Center



Entering the lobby, the interface is unfolded with a circular concave ceiling design, and a red art installation in the shape of Yangzhou city flower "Qionghua" is immediately displayed. The overall white sandstone with gilded elements reflects the four seasons of blooming flowers in the flow of light and shadow.


Please rotate the device 90 degrees to view it horizontally

大堂双开式大门则更具仪式感,门扇的设计以Art Deco风格为灵感,复古精致中,穿越风雅过往与今日悠然。

The double-opening door of the lobby is more ceremonial, and the design of the door leaf is inspired by the Art Deco style, which is retro and sophisticated, and walks through the elegant past and today.

Yang Zhou ShuangDong Banquet Center



Further down the lobby is the Art Gallery, a sequence of walls made of light sandstone. All kinds of details are gently scattered into the interior of the aesthetics of the world, interpreting the charm of the ingenious space.


Please rotate the device 90 degrees to view it horizontally

电梯厅由Art Deco风格延伸出的几何语言将空间包裹,弧线、折线的优雅与金属材质的硬朗,营造出一种秩序和动态美,优雅而又持重。

The geometric language of the elevator hall extended by the Art Deco style wraps the space, and the elegance of arcs and broken lines and the toughness of metal materials create an order and dynamic beauty, elegant and weighty.

谈单区将非凡的品味转化为舒适自洽的体验,用编制皮革结合普拉达绿大理石,勾勒出优雅细腻的质感,运用Art Deco风格造型元素打造出现代摩登的低调奢华.

The Tan Dan area transforms extraordinary taste into a comfortable and self-consistent experience, using braided leather combined with Prada green marble to outline an elegant and delicate texture, and using Art Deco style styling elements to create a modern and modern low-key luxury.


The walls and ceilings of the bathrooms are made of water ripples and mottled materials, which are recombined with metal elements, which also continues the artistic elements of the public space. In all corners of the fusion of ornamentation and practicality, the charm of the space is deduced.

Yang Zhou ShuangDong Banquet Center


抵达二层大堂,视野开阔的高挑结构让通透成为空间的亮点,内部延续了建筑的序列感,弧形元素沿着墙面一次排开,空间装饰更融入了绿色元素,装点出神秘且硬朗的的气息。不同的组合形式、不同的色彩,造就梦幻多元的公共空间,这也正契合设计主题“Art Deco风格”的个性。

Arriving at the lobby on the second floor, the tall structure with a wide view makes transparency the highlight of the space, and the interior continues the sense of sequence of the building, with curved elements lined up along the wall at one time, and the space decoration is more integrated with green elements, decorating the mysterious and tough atmosphere. Different combinations and different colors create a dreamy and diverse public space, which is also in line with the personality of the design theme "Art Deco style".


Please rotate the device 90 degrees to view it horizontally


At the end of the space, floral installations and artistic staircases are retained, with walnut walls and black mirror ceilings, twisted upwards to form a dialogue with flower-like three-dimensional lamps, paying tribute to the iteration of the years with graceful brushstrokes and paving the framework for a new story.

二层艺术走廊灵感来源于海派石库门的形制,成为空间风格化的基底,以精巧简约的当代设计手法,用深色胡桃木饰面与普达拉绿大理石,呈现Art Deco风格的时空转译。

The art corridor on the second floor is inspired by the shape of the Shanghai-style Shikumen, which has become the stylized base of the space, with exquisite and simple contemporary design techniques, with dark walnut veneer and Pudala green marble, presenting the time and space translation of Art Deco style.


Color, texture, texture and other aspects present the mood of the space, and the Shanghainese elements are metaphorized through details, and the natural greenery is used as the spice of the space, providing a variation of the space and allowing the emotions to be retained.

Yang Zhou ShuangDong Banquet Center



The main entrance of the hotel, with its shade of flowers and landscaping, has a private garden-like noble ceremony and order, forming a dynamic separation between the bustling street and the hotel, bringing guests a homecoming atmosphere.


The façade of the hotel building is a longitudinal visual effect with bronze metal lines and white stone, and the refracted light complements the metal material, which makes you feel uneasy.

Yang Zhou ShuangDong Banquet Center



 "Eternity" Oscar Hall


 "Gift of Light" Multi-purpose Hall


"Starlight Dream Paradise" Baby Banquet Hall


"Fontainebleau" French Garden Room


"Constant Light Feast" Crystal Hall


"Dream Banquet" multi-purpose hall

项目名称 |扬州 · 双东礼宴中心

项目地点 | 中国·扬州

业主单位 | 扬州双东餐饮有限公司

硬装/软装设计 | 赫仕设计 H.O.X DESIGN

创意总监 | 庞世荣 何永强

设计团队 | 詹子斌、韩冰冰

撰文 | 鞠宏昭

Project name | YangZhou  · ShuangDong Banquet Center

Project location | YangZhou , China

The owner is | Yangzhou Shuangdong Catering Co., Ltd


Creative Director | Pang Shirong,He Yong Qiang

Design Team | Zhan Zibin, Han Bingbing

Text | Ju Hongzhao

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