
结婚产业观察·2025-03-04 09:28
赫仕设计作品「深礼堂-蛇口招商花园城」,荣获“2024 GPDP AWARD商业空间创新奖”。

2025年01月20日,法国巴黎举办了备受国际关注的国际性设计奖——2024第十一届法国双面神GPDP AWARD国际设计大奖。赫仕设计H.O.X DESIGN作品深礼堂-蛇口招商花园城荣获“2024 GPDP AWARD商业空间创新奖”。

On January 20, 2025, Paris, France held the 11th French Double-faced God GPDP AWARD International Design Award, an international design award that has attracted international attention. H.O.X DESIGN's work "Deep Auditorium - Shekou Merchants Garden City" won the "2024 GPDP AWARD Commercial Space Innovation Awar


作为全球设计界的"奥斯卡",创立于1951年的法国双面神GPDP国际设计大奖(Grand Prix Design Paris Award)由法国设计学院与CIID88中国国际室内设计网联合主办,迄今已持续见证全球设计界73载风云变幻。该奖项以严苛的5E设计标准(Economy经济性、Ecology生态性、Energy节能性、Emotion情感性、Ethics伦理性)著称,每年吸引来自全球顶尖设计师、知名设计机构及创新企业的激烈角逐。

As the "Oscar" of the global design industry, the Grand Prix Design Paris Award, founded in 1951, is jointly sponsored by the French School of Design and CIID88 China International Interior Design Network, and has continued to witness the changes in the global design industry for 73 years. The award is known for its rigorous 5E design standards (Economy, Ecology, Energy, Emotion, Ethics), and attracts fierce competition from top designers, well-known design institutions and innovative enterprises from around the world every year.

深礼堂项目的获奖,印证了赫仕设计H.O.X DESIGN在空间叙事与人文关怀上的卓越造诣。设计团队通过解构传统商业空间范式,以"城市会客厅"为概念内核,将东方美学意境与当代设计语汇进行创新融合。项目在光影律动、动线规划与材质对话中构建出多维度的空间体验,既彰显招商花园城作为城市地标的文化厚度,又创造出具有国际辨识度的商业美学样本。

The award of the Deep Auditorium project is a testament to H.O.X DESIGN's excellence in spatial storytelling and humanistic care. By deconstructing the traditional commercial space paradigm and taking the concept of "urban living room" as the core, the design team innovatively integrates the artistic conception of oriental aesthetics with the contemporary design vocabulary. The project constructs a multi-dimensional spatial experience in the rhythm of light and shadow, circulation planning and material dialogue, which not only highlights the cultural thickness of China Merchants Garden City as an urban landmark, but also creates a commercial aesthetic sample with international recognition.


In the context of globalization, we have always been committed to building a bridge between East and West design dialogue. Through the design technique of deconstructing tradition and reorganizing time and space, the deep auditorium project realizes the symbiosis and co-prosperity of commercial value and humanistic value, which is exactly the responsibility of contemporary design.

值得关注的是,这已是赫仕设计第二次斩获国际权威设计奖项。从西班牙 AMA 国际建筑设计大奖到法国双面神GPDP国际设计大奖,这家植根本土、放眼全球的设计机构,正以持续的设计创新力重塑着中国设计的国际形象。在数字经济与体验经济交织的新时代,赫仕设计通过深礼堂等标杆项目的实践,为商业空间设计开辟出融合科技、艺术与人文的崭新维度。

It is worth noting that this is the second time that Hirsch Design has won an international authoritative design award. From the AMA International Architectural Design Award in Spain to the GPDP International Design Award in France, this design agency with roots and global vision is reshaping the international image of Chinese design with continuous design innovation. In the new era of intertwining the digital economy and the experience economy, Hirsch Design has opened up a new dimension for the design of commercial space through the practice of benchmark projects such as the deep auditorium, integrating technology, art and humanities



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