咏辰设计 | 泉州·玖玺礼宴·婚礼艺术酒店

结婚产业观察·2024-11-08 09:19



n terms of property conditions, the building structure of this project has a low floor height of only 2.8-3.2 meters. The ceiling of the Wedding Art Hotel contains many construction projects, and the floor height is low. The space in the ceiling will be repeatedly compressed, resulting in various pipelines, air ducts, fire pipes, and decorative materials being squeezed together. This design not only ensures limited floor height effect but also needs to solve the pain points of fire protection and air conditioning.


项目展示 Project Presentation



 平面布局 Flat layout 


Yongchen Design divides the spatial layout reasonably, makes appropriate choices, and enhances the expression of spatial details through the structural characteristics of internal and external buildings, functional planning, operating conditions, and passenger flow lines.To create a spatial emotion that belongs to art and modern quality.

提炼品牌名”玖玺礼宴”中的“玺”字,通过现代的手法,将时尚的婚礼艺术元素相结合,通过线条的粗细、交汇、弯曲、方向、角度、对称等对整体进行不断认真斟酌、精雕细琢。体现:焦点 星光璀璨,日月星辰、圆梦、婚礼、浪漫的美好寓意。

Extracting the character "Xi" from the brand name "Jiuxi Liyan", combining fashionable wedding art elements through modern techniques, constantly carefully considering and refining the overall design through the thickness, intersection, curvature, direction, angle, symmetry, and other aspects of the lines. Reflected in the dazzling starlight, the beautiful symbolism of the sun, moon, stars, dreams, weddings, and romance.


公区设计 Public area design


The wedding hall hotel is an extension of life and spirit, which can enter the senses and the heart. What catches the eye is the product, and what truly touches the soul is life. So, we integrate quality, elegance, and romance into our design philosophy, like carving jade.


The lobby is the starting point and visual focus for customers to understand the hotel, and it should not only have functional attributes,More importantly, it is necessary to satisfy the emotional value of customers through spatial design and visual aesthetics.


The design language of the beauty area unifies the spatial theme, paired with semi transparent glass brick partitions, seeking material contrast through the vastly different textures of materials to create comfort and refinement, making the entire space more unique and upscale.


The main color tone is gold, with curved design as the dominant element, creating an elegant.A romantic and modern wedding atmosphere.


By using point, line, and surface methods, as well as techniques such as splitting, cutting, reassembly, and arched geometric composition, the originally narrow channel is made lively, interesting, and rhythmic.


The display in the beauty area is unified with the spatial theme, complemented by semi transparent glass brick partitions. By using materials with completely different textures, the contrast in material properties is sought to create comfort and delicacy, making the entire space more unique and high-end.


婚礼堂设计 Wedding Hall Design



In the design of wedding halls and banquet halls, in line with the trend of wedding hall development, the coordination and integration of hard and soft decoration also endows the banquet hall with richer functionality. It can satisfy the atmosphere of holding weddings and is also flexible and suitable for various business and conference activities.

[ 原创声明:本文为结婚产业观察转载;来源:江苏咏辰空间设计;转载请注明作者姓名和来源。文章内容系作者个人观点,不代表结婚产业观察对观点赞同或支持。 ]



